تحميل كورس After Effects: Create Slide Shows - Build a Complete Project لانشاء مشاريع وقوالب السلايد شو بطرق متميزة 2018
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After Effects-Create Slide Shows-Build a Complete Project
البرنامج المستخدم في الكورس : افتر افكت - After Effect
مقدم الكورس : udemy
عدد المحاضرات : 22 محاضرة
مدة الكورس : 1 ساعة
لغة الكورس : الانجليزية EN
[ حجم الملفات : 152Mb ]
رقم المشروع : SN:659
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[ محتوي الكورس ]
تعرف على كيفية انشاء مشروع وقالب كامل باستخدام برنامج الافتر افكت لاستخدامه في مشاريع متعددة من اعمالك او توزيعه او بيعه للاخرين للعمل على هذا القالب والخروج بفيديو مصنوع من شرائح جاهزة معدة مسبقا
ستتعلم انشاء الشرائح وتحسينها بالانتقالات والمؤثرات حتى 100 شريحة
Course Description
You are most probably aware that Slide Show Projects are very much in demand. Be it for Re-sale, professional and business use, documentaries, movies or explainers. Know how to create, structure and re-use a Slide Show Project will make look more pro and grow your skills in After Effects.
This is a Project Course where will build a definite useful project: Creating a Slide Show. This is a practical course where you will be able to download the After Effects project file and use it for your work be it commercial or personal.
You will learn how a slide show project is build and how to use it for personal or commercial benefits. It is a model project that you can later modulate to have 20, 30 or 100 slides depending on your needs.
You will tackle some of the most essential aspects of a Slide Show Project among others:
Getting Images ready in Photoshop and how to import them into After Effects
How to sequence your Slide Show the professional way
How to Create Image Pre-Compositions
How to Create and Insert lower thirds
And Of course how to Create Slide Animations simple and complex ones
The main concept of this course is to cover all the steps that are required to Create a structured and modular slide show that you can use and re-use, grow or reduce and change any slide animation.
You will start by understanding the various methods to import your photos. Move on to create the structure within the After Effects Project. The next Step will be to create the slide animations and how to move from one slide to another.
There be a thorough on Sequencing and creating images or movies pre-comps the professional way.
Adding lower thirds will come in just to demonstrate how you can add messages on each slide.
The last part we will deal with packaging for re-sale or personal use.
Join the course now.
What are the requirements?
A working Copy of After Effects - Preferably After Effects CC 2015. A 30 Day Trial Copy will do
What am I going to get from this course?
Over 23 lectures and 1 hour of content!
Create a full Slide Show Project
Understand the structure of a Slide Show Project
Use Photoshop files to Import Images
Use pro methods to sequence layers
Create Animation using Adjustment Layers and Presets
Build Aminated Slides and Add Lower thirds
Package Project for personal use
Understand Where and How to use Place Holder
Package Project for commercial use
What is the target audience?
When you want to build After Effects Slide Show Projects for personal or commercial use
When you want to enhance your skills in After Effects Practical and Useful Projects
You are most probably aware that Slide Show Projects are very much in demand. Be it for Re-sale, professional and business use, documentaries, movies or explainers. Know how to create, structure and re-use a Slide Show Project will make look more pro and grow your skills in After Effects.
This is a Project Course where will build a definite useful project: Creating a Slide Show. This is a practical course where you will be able to download the After Effects project file and use it for your work be it commercial or personal.
You will learn how a slide show project is build and how to use it for personal or commercial benefits. It is a model project that you can later modulate to have 20, 30 or 100 slides depending on your needs.
You will tackle some of the most essential aspects of a Slide Show Project among others:
Getting Images ready in Photoshop and how to import them into After Effects
How to sequence your Slide Show the professional way
How to Create Image Pre-Compositions
How to Create and Insert lower thirds
And Of course how to Create Slide Animations simple and complex ones
The main concept of this course is to cover all the steps that are required to Create a structured and modular slide show that you can use and re-use, grow or reduce and change any slide animation.
You will start by understanding the various methods to import your photos. Move on to create the structure within the After Effects Project. The next Step will be to create the slide animations and how to move from one slide to another.
There be a thorough on Sequencing and creating images or movies pre-comps the professional way.
Adding lower thirds will come in just to demonstrate how you can add messages on each slide.
The last part we will deal with packaging for re-sale or personal use.
Join the course now.
What are the requirements?
A working Copy of After Effects - Preferably After Effects CC 2015. A 30 Day Trial Copy will do
What am I going to get from this course?
Over 23 lectures and 1 hour of content!
Create a full Slide Show Project
Understand the structure of a Slide Show Project
Use Photoshop files to Import Images
Use pro methods to sequence layers
Create Animation using Adjustment Layers and Presets
Build Aminated Slides and Add Lower thirds
Package Project for personal use
Understand Where and How to use Place Holder
Package Project for commercial use
What is the target audience?
When you want to build After Effects Slide Show Projects for personal or commercial use
When you want to enhance your skills in After Effects Practical and Useful Projects
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